e hënë, 30 korrik 2007

Stop Drinking Alcohol natural herbal remedy: Detox - Sale! Decreases the urge to drink alcohol.

Stop Drinking Alcohol natural herbal remedy: Detox - Sale! Decreases the urge to drink alcohol.
Legal Disclaimer: *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Ingredients: Ge Gen - Pueraria Lobata Radix, Bai Shao - Peaoniae lactiflorae Radix, Chen Pi -Citrus Reticulata Pericarpium, Dan Dou Chi - Glycine max prepared.

Each bottle = 60, 750 mg tabs, 20-30 doses

Recommended Dosage = 2 to 3 tablets, three times daily.

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