e martë, 26 qershor 2007
Own the Boards: Rapid Internal Medicine Board Review and Recertification Guide
Designed for rapid reading, this book is a condensed, targeted, high-yield review for the American Board of Internal Medicine certification and recertification exams. Content is derived primarily from interviewing hundreds of physicians who have recently taken their exams, and from Dr. Peikari's successful /"Own the Boards/" course for candidates. By covering questions that candidates often misssuch as probability estimation and triple acid-base disordersthe book will boost your score enough to pass the exam with ease. Selected /"homework/" problems and practice mini-tests with answers are included. A companion Website provides 90 images similar to those on the exam from disciplines such as dermatology, ophthalmology, hematology, rheumatology, and cardiology.
Postuar nga yudistira në 11:28 e pasdites
Emërtimet: Boiron Homeopathic Medicine
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